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Adventures with Notenik

HTML for People Companion Ready for Use

Adventure # 41 • Wednesday, January 15, 2025

After publishing the Guide to Creating a Website using Notenik in October of last year, one of Notenik’s longtime users published a list of links that might be helpful to website creators.

And on that list was a site created by Blake Watson, called HTML for People. His site is in the form of a web book, offering a tutorial on HTML for those new to webmaking. It walks a new user through the entire process of building a personal website, and makes the entire journey easy and fun.

I really liked Blake’s site, and it made me wonder if I could create a companion web book that would supplement Blake’s instructions, following the same trail, but at every step showing how Notenik could be used to perform the same tasks.

I’ve been working on this companion book for the last several months, and I’m happy to say that it’s now as complete as I can think to make it.

(That being said, I’m eager to hear feedback from others, and expect to make further improvements to the book as feedback comes in.)

There are really four somewhat separate achievements here.

  1. I learned a bunch of stuff that I hadn’t known before.

  2. I realized that Notenik had numerous shortcomings, and I’ve tried to rectify all of these that I could identify. You’ll find these changes sprinkled through recent updates, starting from Version 15.5.0. The last few of these have just been released, in Version 16.2.0.

  3. I’ve finalized (at least for now) and published my companion guide, which I’m calling an Intro to Website Creation using Notenik.

  4. This tutorial makes use of a new Notenik Starter Pack, # 16, titled HTML for People demo, providing all of the Notenik folders and files needed to make your way through the tutorial.

This has been a very rewarding three-month journey, and I’m thankful to Blake Watson for his site, and for the Notenik users active in the app’s Discourse forum, who are continually finding ways to make Notenik a better, more useful Mac app.


Prior Adventure: Notenik Turns Sweet Sixteen! | 20 Dec, 2024

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