My original personal — and still most important — Notenik use case is website creation.
And yet I know that Notenik users have struggled over the years trying to figure out how to fashion their own sites using Notenik.
But it’s not that I’m trying to make things difficult. It’s just that I’ve been doing this for so long that I tend to take a lot of knowledge for granted.
And so, based on recent feedback, I’ve taken a couple of additional steps to make things a bit easier for those who might be trying to use Notenik as a static site generator.
The first is publication of a more complete tutorial on the subject, always available from the Docs page of the website.
The second consists of some improvements to Notenik itself, and to the Website starter pack, just released in Notenik 15.5.0.
Hopefully this will prove helpful for those Mac users trying to create their own websites. If there’s other stuff that’s tripping you up, or that you think could be improved, I would encourage you to post something on the Notenik Discourse Forum. It’s a friendly, helpful group that hangs out there, and I respond quickly to any new posts.
tags: website