We have a variety of different documents ready to help you with Notenik.
If you’re still wondering if Notenik is right for you, you might want to refer to the numerous Reasons to Use Notenik.
If you’re curious about the goals and constraints for Notenik development, you might wish to review the Product Vision for the app.
If you’re new to Notenik, you might want to start with a brief Notenik Intro, complete with screenshots.
When you’re ready for more detail, you’ll want to consult the Notenik Knowledge Base, which is, itself, a Notenik Collection.
You can open it from the Help menu within Notenik.
If you’d rather consult the Knowledge Base without use of Notenik, please view the Web Book stored on this site, and available for viewing within your Web browser.
To review recent changes to the app, see the Version History section of the Knowledge Base.
To use Notenik as a static website generator:
If you’re new to HTML, start with the Intro to Website Creation using Notenik.
If you just want to focus on Notenik capabilities, try the Guide to Creating a Website using Notenik.
When you’re ready for more advanced topics, you might want to review the Notenik Master Class.
And if you’d like a quick, 10-minute video tour of the Notenik basics…
And when you’re ready for a bit more detail, the Notenik 201 video is now available as well: