10. Getting Data Into and Out of Notenik ↑
10.1 Copy, Cut, Paste and Share your Notes
There are several different actions you can perform with individual notes.
Copy - Use the Copy command beneath the Edit menu to copy the currently selected Note to the system clipboard.
Cut - Use the Cut command beneath the Edit menu to copy the currently selected Note to the system clipboard, and then delete the selected Note.
Paste - Use the Paste command beneath the Edit menu to paste a copied or cut Note into the same or a different Collection (or into an email, or any other destination capable of receiving text).
Duplicate - Use the Duplicate Note command beneath the Note menu to duplicate the currently selected Note within the same Collection.
Share via Toolbar - Use the Share command on the Toolbar to send an entire Note to any of several different destinations (Mail, Message, etc.)
Drag and Drop - When two Collections are open, the user may drag a Note from the List view of one Collection to the List view of a second Collection and drop it there. The Note will be added to the second Collection, and will still remain in its original Collection.
Share w/Options menu command - See the Share with Options page for details.
Be aware that the user should be on the Display Tab, and not the Edit tab, in order to perform cut/copy/paste functions since, when on the Edit tab, cut/copy/paste will typically apply to the text within a field, and not to the entire note.
When dragging a Note from one Collection, and dropping it on the List tab of another Collection, Notenik will now copy any attachments for the Note, in addition to the Note itself.
Other means of copying a Note from one Collection to another may not result in attachments being copied along with the Note.
When copying notes from one Collection to another, any fields present in the first Collection but not in the second will be dropped.
- 10.1.1 Share with Options
Next: 10.1.1 Share with Options
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