13.3 Scripting Modules ↑
13.3.2 Filter Module Parameters
A filter command may have an action of ‘clear’, ‘add’ or ‘set’.
Clears any filter parameters that might have previously been set, so that new ones can be added. A clear action must be followed by a set action in order to actually remove any previously specified filtering rules.
Adds a new filter rule.
The object would name the field to be compared as part of the filter. In addition to your input data’s columns/fields, you may reference the following special system variable:
- The count of input records/notes/rows, starting with a value of 1 for the first. This can be used, for example, to limit the number of rows to some specified upper limit for use in a blog. If such a filter rule is specifieed in combination with others, then this rule should probably follow the others, so that rows excluded by other rules are not included in this count.
The value field would specify a value to which the object will be compared.
And the modifier field specifies the nature of the comparison.
The following modifiers are valid (with all of the different forms on a line producing identical results).
“=”, “==”, “eq” or “equals”
“>”, “gt” or “greater than”
“>=”, “!<”, “ge” or “greater than or equal to”
“<”, “lt” or “less than”
“<=”, "!>“, ”le’ or “less than or equal to”
“<>”, “!=”, “ne” or “not equal to”
“()”, “[]”, “co” or “contains”
“!()”, “![]”, “nc” or “does not contain”
“(<)”, “[<]”, “st” or “starts with”
“!(<)”, “![<]”, “ns” or “does not start with”
“(>)”, “[>]”, “fi” or “ends with”
“!(>)”, “![>]”, “nf” or “does not end with”
Note that the last six operators listed above will perform a comparison without regards to case (upper- or lower-case).
An action of set causes the previously added filtering rules, specified since the last clear action, to be applied.
Next: Sort Module Parameters