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13.3 Scripting Modules ↑

13.3.2 Filter Module Parameters

A filter command may have an action of ‘clear’, ‘add’ or ‘set’.


Clears any filter parameters that might have previously been set, so that new ones can be added. A clear action must be followed by a set action in order to actually remove any previously specified filtering rules.


Adds a new filter rule.

The object would name the field to be compared as part of the filter. In addition to your input data’s columns/fields, you may reference the following special system variable:

The value field would specify a value to which the object will be compared.

And the modifier field specifies the nature of the comparison.

The following modifiers are valid (with all of the different forms on a line producing identical results).

Note that the last six operators listed above will perform a comparison without regards to case (upper- or lower-case).


An action of set causes the previously added filtering rules, specified since the last clear action, to be applied.

Next: Sort Module Parameters