15. Reference ↑
15.7 HTML Class Values
The following HTML class values are assigned by Notenik. Click on a column heading to sort by the values in that column. Click again to reverse the sort.
Element | Class | Condition |
a | ext-link | Standard Markdown Links |
a | nav-link | Navigational links generated by Notenik |
a | wiki-link | Wiki Style Links |
button | btn btn-primary | Generate a Collection Search Page |
cite | notenik-cite-major | Generate a Bibliography |
cite | notenik-cite-minor | Generate a Bibliography |
details | heading-x-details | Generate Outline Based on Headings |
div | citations | Citations |
div | footnotes | Footnotes |
div | search-form | Generate a Collection Search Page |
div | search-page | Generate a Collection Search Page |
figure | notenik-quote-attrib | Attribution |
li | checklist-item | Task Lists |
li | outline-li-bullet | Generate a Collection Table of Contents |
ol | notenik-biblio-list | Generate a Bibliography |
p | notenik-calendar-day-of-month | Dates to Calendar |
summary | heading-x-summary | Generate Outline Based on Headings |
table | notenik-calendar | Dates to Calendar |
p | notenik-calendar-day-contents | Dates to Calendar |
td | notenik-calendar-day-data | Dates to Calendar |
ul | checklist | Task Lists |
ul | notenik-toc | Streamlined Reading |
ul | outline-ul | Generate a Collection Table of Contents |
ul | outline-ul-within-details | Generate a Collection Table of Contents |
ul | tags-cloud | Generate a Tags Cloud |
ul | tags-contents | Generate a Tags Cloud |
ul | tags-list | Generate a Tags Outline |
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