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9.6 Fields for Sequencing and Outlining ↑

9.6.2 Level

The word level can be used as both a label and a type.

In addition to level itself, this field type will be inferred for field labels equal to any of the following:

A Collection is not expected to have more than one field of type level.

The level field is meant to indicate each particular Note’s depth within an implied tree structure made up of all the Notes in the Collection.

A level value is represented by a single digit, and is typically restricted to the range 1 - 6.

A level field is typically used in combination with a Seq field.

When viewing a Collection containing a level field, and when viewing the List of Notes sorted by ‘Seq + Title’, the title of each Note will be indented to indicate the level of each particular Note within the implied outline.

The default is to indent one space per level, but this spacing can be adjusted on the General tab of the Notenik Settings.

One way to use a level field, when generating HTML, is to generate a heading tag using the Note level as the numeric portion of the tag.

A brief text label may also be associated with each possible numeric value.

When editing, the level field is presented as a pick list, with the user allowed to select from the list of standard values for that Collection.

For Display purposes, the digit and text are usually shown side-by-side.

When used as a general sort field, level values will be sorted by their digits.

The text values may be modified by placing a series of integer + label pairs in the Value area of the relevant template file, with separating punctuation. Such a template line might look something like this:

Level: <level: 1 - Book Title; 2 - Section; 3 - Chapter; >

Next: 9.6.3 Include Children