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12.3 Variable Modifiers ↑

12.3.16 Linked Tags - G

This modifer is meant to be used specifically with the Tags field.

This modifier is similar to Linked Tags - Z, but works slightly differently.

Linked Tags - G works well when each tag will have a separate page listing posts/notes containing that tag.

Linked Tags - Z works best when each tag will have a separate section within a single shared page.

Each tag found in the variable will be made into a link, linking to tagfile.html.

The file name will be derived from the tag, converting upper-case characters to lower-case, replacing spaces with dashes, and so forth.

Up to three positional parameters may be specified following the modifier of g, with semicolons separating/terminating the three.

  1. The path to the linked tag file, starting from the web root (see Template Module Parameters for more info). .

  2. A class name to be applied to the generated anchor tags, for styling purposes.

  3. A separator to be used between tags, if there are more than one. This defaults to a comma followed by a space.

Consider the following example.

=$tags&gtags/;tag-class; | $=


Next: HTML - H