5.4 Tailor Collection Settings ↑
5.4.7 Outline Tab
If your Collection includes Fields for Sequencing and Outlining — such as a Seq field, and possibly a Level field, then there is a good chance that you are Using Notenik as an Outliner.
In this case, your Collection will be a candidate for display of the optional Outline tab.
You can select this option by selecting Show or Hide Outline Tab, which can be found beneath the Collection menu.
When the tab is shown, it will appear as a third tab on the left side of the Collection window, just to the right of the Tags tab.
This tab will work similarly to the List tab, in terms of working with your Notes, but will allow you to selectively show and collapse sections of your outline by clicking on the conventional disclosure triangles, thus allowing you to focus on one section of your outline at a time, while hiding others that might otherwise obscure your area(s) of focus.
Next: 5.5 Rename a Field