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5.4 Tailor Collection Settings ↑

5.4.4 Presentation Mode

When you Tailor Collection Settings, or select from the Display Mode submenu beneath the Collection menu, you will have the option to set the Display Mode to Presentation.

As with the Streamlined Reading option, the Display tab will reduce clutter in order to focus attention on the Seq, Title and Body fields.

The primary difference between these two modes is that, in Presentation mode, the Next link at the bottom of each Display will not reveal the title of the upcoming Note.

The rationale for this behavior is that, if you are using a Notenik Collection to make a presentation to an audience, you typically want to focus attention on one Note at a time, and so want to prevent the listeners from jumping ahead to consideration of the subject of following Notes.

When making a presentation, you will typically also want to use CMD-Y to toggle the display of the List/Tabs views to the left of the Display.

Next: 5.4.5 Quotations Mode