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13. Script Files ↑

13.2 Script File Columns

A script file is a text file formatted into five columns, using either tabs or commas as delimiters to separate the columns.

Blank lines, as well as lines beginning with <!—, will be ignored.

# Heading Contents
1 module Specifies the scripting module to be used to execute the command.
2 action The action to be taken by the indicated module.
3 modifier A field used to modify the effects of the action in some way.
4 object Names the object of the action.
5 value Specifies a value to be assigned, or to be compared.

When the value column contains a path to a folder or a file, then a relative path may be indicated by specifying a prefix of #PATH#. The resulting path will be resolved relative to the location of the script file currently being executed.

As examples:

Next: 13.3 Scripting Modules