13. Script Files ↑
13.3 Scripting Modules
The module column may contain any of the following values.
input - Read input rows and columns from a Note Collection or another data source.
filter - Specify one or more filter criteria that will be used to filter the data source to a subset of its original set of rows.
sort - Specify one or more sort fields (major to minor) to be used to sort the data source.
template - Specify the location of a merge template to be processed using the data source.
output - Write the filtered, sorted data to an output file in tab-delimited format.
browse - Open the specified URL in your preferred Web browser.
script - Include another file while playing a script.
The associated parameters for each of these modules are described in detail below.
- 13.3.1 Input Module Parameters
- 13.3.2 Filter Module Parameters
- 13.3.3 Sort Module Parameters
- 13.3.4 Template Module Parameters
- 13.3.5 Output Module Parameters
- 13.3.6 Browse Module Parameters
- 13.3.7 Script Module Parameters
Next: 13.3.1 Input Module Parameters
Skip to: Script File Example