12. Merge Templates ↑
12.3 Variable Modifiers
A variable can be optionally followed (before the ending variable delimiters) by a modifier indicator and one or more modifiers. The default modifier indicator is the ampersand (&).
The following table summarizes the primary use of various letters and characters as variable modifiers. A detailed description of each modifier follows the summary table. Note that, unless otherwise specified, the use of letters is case-insensitive.
- 12.3.1 Email Apostrophes
- 12.3.2 List Punctuation
- 12.3.3 Underscore
- 12.3.4 Remove Paragraph Tags - Hyphen
- 12.3.5 Extract Part of a Variable - Caret
- 12.3.6 Take Text from Right
- 12.3.7 Length Modifier
- 12.3.8 Author Name Modifier - A
- 12.3.9 AM PM - a
- 12.3.10 Base File Name - B
- 12.3.11 Word Demarcation - C
- 12.3.12 Day of Month - dd
- 12.3.13 Day of Week, Abbreviated - EEE
- 12.3.14 Day of Week - EEEE
- 12.3.15 File Name - F
- 12.3.16 Linked Tags - G
- 12.3.17 HTML - H
- 12.3.18 Initial Case - I
- 12.3.19 To Identifier - I
- 12.3.20 Link - J
- 12.3.21 Hour of Day - K
- 12.3.22 Lowercase Modifier - L
- 12.3.23 Month or Minutes - M
- 12.3.24 No Breaks - N
- 12.3.25 Markdown to HTML - O
- 12.3.26 Punctuation Purification - P
- 12.3.27 Quotation Encasing - Q
- 12.3.28 Keep Characters on the Right - R
- 12.3.29 Readable File Name - R
- 12.3.30 Summarize - S
- 12.3.31 HTML to Markdown - T
- 12.3.32 Uppercase Modifier - U
- 12.3.33 Variance - V
- 12.3.34 Wiki-Style Links - W
- 12.3.35 XML - X
- 12.3.36 Year - y
- 12.3.37 Linked Tags - Z
- 12.3.38 Prep for JSON
- 12.3.39 Split Label from Number - >
- 12.3.40 Domain Name from Link - /
- 12.3.41 Repeat - ^R
- 12.3.42 Formatting String
Next: 12.3.1 Email Apostrophes
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