16. Version History ↑
16.62 Version 10.4.0
Date: 19 Sep 2022 - Monday
Added a Table of Contents to a Generated Collection Index
Added a one-line table of contents to the Generate a Collection Index Markdown command, providing an introductory line containing the starting letters of all terms appearing in the index, allowing the reader to click on a letter to be taken to that section of the generated index.
Added Markdown Command to Create a Search Page
Added a new Markdown command to Generate a Collection Search Page, using embedded JavaScript as well as HTML.
Added a Move Option for File Attachments
When creating File Attachments, the user now has the option to move the file (thus preserving its identity) rather than copying it.
Fixed Some Window Resizing Adjustments
When resizing a window to fit onto a different display, some of the adjustments being made were a bit off kilter. The adjustments have been adjusted.
Next: 16.63 Version 10.3.0