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16. Version History ↑

16.59 Version 10.6.0

Date: 21 Oct 2022 - Friday

Added Explicit Collection Setting for File Format

The user can now select a file format and explicitly declare that for the Collection when they Tailor Collection Settings. This can increase interoperability of Notenik Collections when using other software.

Added Explicit Hash Tag Option

The user can now explicitly state their preference for saving their Tags values with hash tags (‘#’) at the start of each value when they Tailor Collection Settings. This can increase interoperability of Notenik Collections when using other software.

Added Decision as a new Work Type

Added ‘Decision’ as a new allowable value for the Work Type field.

Added Image Slug Merge Variable

Added Image Slug to the list of available Derived Variables when using Merge Templates.

Bug Fixes

Corrected a few bugs.

Next: 16.60 Version 10.5.0