16. Version History ↑
16.31 Version 13.4.0
Date: 16 Nov 2023 - Thursday
Added Show in Finder for Notes
At the top of the contextual menu for Notes on the List tab, you will now find an option to Show in Finder
. Selecting this option will reveal the file in the macOS Finder.
Added Script Include Option
One Script File may now include another, by specifying the name of a second file as a Script Module parameter.
Added Script Lognoise Setting
The Script Module Parameter of lognoise
can be used to suppress some common error messages.
Improved Display for Link Fields
This version makes a couple of changes to the display of Link fields.
First, link fields are new styled with the ext-link
class, which is an existing class defined on the HTML Class Values page. This will generally make the styling of links here consistent with the appearance of links within the Body of the note.
Second, the contents of the display string shown for a link field can now be modified using a special set of values to be placed in the the Collection Template File.
See the following for an example.
Ref Link: <link: x|s|s|x|x >
Notice there are five separate single-character values separated by pipe characters.
Each position can have one of the following values:
- a - Display this part of the link as-is, without any modification.
- x - Exclude this component of the link.
- s - Simplify the representation of this component of the link (see explanation below).
And the five positions represent the following five components of a URL:
- Scheme (as in
) - Host (as in
) - Path (as in
) - Query (as in
) - Fragment (as in
A couple of things to note:
- Such a formatting string will only be applied to links that appear to be valid URLs with a scheme of
. Anything else will simply be displayed as-is. - If you fail to supply any formatting string, then the default will be to display all links as-is.
And now, to explain what we mean by simplifying the presentation of a component.
First, this only applies to the Host and the Path. There are no simplification algorithms for the other three parts, so they will be displayed as-is, unless they are excluded.
For the Host, the following rules will be applied:
- Any leading characters followed by a period (such as
) will be dropped, along with the following period. - If the last part of the host – the Top Level Domain – is
, then it will be dropped. Other TLDs will be included in the display. - The first character of the second-level domain will be capitalized.
For the Path, the following rules will be applied:
- If the path ends with a file extension (such as
, then that will be dropped. - Any elements of the path other than the last will be dropped.
- Spaces will replace any dashes or underscores.
And then, if the host and/or the path were simplified, then the two will be separated by a colon and a space, rather than a slash.
So, for example, given the formatting string above, this URL:
…would be displayed like this:
Wikipedia: Comparison of note-taking software
Depending on what you are using a Collection for, and what sort of links you are recording, this sort of formatting may or may not be useful to you.
In some cases, though, it can make the text of the link much easier to read for humans trying to parse all the pieces.
Next: 16.32 Version 13.3.0