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16. Version History ↑

16.31 Version 13.4.0

Date: 16 Nov 2023 - Thursday

Added Show in Finder for Notes

At the top of the contextual menu for Notes on the List tab, you will now find an option to Show in Finder. Selecting this option will reveal the file in the macOS Finder.

Added Optional Separator for Linked Tags

When using the Linked Tags - G variable modifier, an optional third parameter may now be specified, in order to use a separator between tags of something other than a comma.

Added Script Include Option

One Script File may now include another, by specifying the name of a second file as a Script Module parameter.

Added Script Lognoise Setting

The Script Module Parameter of lognoise can be used to suppress some common error messages.

Next: 16.32 Version 13.3.0