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16. Version History ↑

16.16 Version 14.8.0

Date: 02 Jul 2024 - Tuesday

New Data Count Merge Template Variables

Added two new Merge Template System Variables: datacount identifies the sequence number of the current note/record/row being processed, starting at 1 for the first; datamax provides the total number of input notes/records/rows.

Added Data Count Script Filter Variable

When setting Filter Module Parameters within the Scripting Module, the Script File Column for Object may now reference a variable named datacount.

Tweaked the Linked Tags - Z Variable Modifier

Tweaked the Linked Tags - Z Variable Modifier so that, if the prefix contains the Notenik Custom URL Scheme, periods in nested tags will be left as-is (rather then converting them to dashes).

Added a Merge Variable to Test for Include Failure

Added a new Merge Variable of includefailure that can be used to test for the failure of a preceding include command.

Next: 16.17 Version 14.7.0