16. Version History ↑
16.14 Version 15.0.0
Date: 03 Aug 2024 - Saturday
Another Rule for Field Labels
When we we explain What We Mean by Label and Type, a third rule has been added to aid with distinction between field labels, vs. field values that happen to contain a colon. The new rule is: a field label may not contain more than six spaces – meaning no more than seven words separated by spaces.
Minutes to Read Fixed
When a Minutes to Read field is called out as a Merge Variable, Notenik will now take steps to ensure the value is non-blank (assuming the presence of a body field value).
Added Quote-From Command
Added a new Markdown command to nicely Format a Quote Citation.
Note Selector Arrow Keys Selection Fixed
When using the the Note Selector, and when using the arrow keys to move through a list of Notes, Notenik was previously allowing the selection to stray beyond the bounds of the visible Notes. This has been corrected.
Image Name Editing Fixed
When adding multiple image File Attachments to a Note, and when using an Image Name field, Notenik was not properly updating the list of available image files on the Edit tab. This has been corrected.
Improved Outline Starter Pack
Made a few improvements to the Outline starting collection type.
Next: 16.15 Version 14.9.0