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16. Version History ↑

16.6 Version 15.8.0

Date: 25 Nov 2024 - Monday

Added Text Files to Parent Realm

When opening a Parent Realm folder, text files located at the top level will now be visible, and can be opened with a double-click. These would typically be README files and License files. To be recognized as text files, they must have one of the following file extenstions: .txt, .text, .md, .mdtext, or .mkdown. Additionally, their contents will be displayed as the note’s body field.

Adding Default Values for Class, Status fields

The Collection template file can now specify a default value for the Class and Status fields, by placing an asterisk immediately following the desired default.

Renaming ‘Parent Realm’ to ‘Project Folder’

Renaming the quite esoteric term of ‘Parent Realm’ to the less mystifying ‘Project Folder’.

A New Option for Naming Script Files

A file residing in a folder named scripts, and having a file extension of .tsv (for tab-separated values), will now be recognized as a Script File. A file extension of .tsv should make it easier to open and edit script files using apps such as Numbers and Excel, which work better than a text editor when viewing a tab-delimited file.

A New copyimages Merge Command

The new copyimages command will copy local image files referenced by Markdown from the input collection to an output web folder.

Expanded Usage for File Name Variable Modifier

The File Name - F variable modifier can now be used in conjunction with the new copyimages merge command to create web-friendly file names for the copied files.

Collection Setting May Now Specify a CSS File

The Collection Settings have been enhanced to allow the selection of a Cascading Style Sheets (aka CSS) file to be used to display the Collection within Notenik. The file to be used may be selected from the CSS files found in the css folder within the Collection’s folder. To be recognized and used, files must be within the css folder and have the .css file extension. Notenik does not load any files into this folder. The user may populate this folder with any CSS files they find to be of interest.

A new copycss Merge Command

The new copycss command merge template command will copy the css code being used by a Collection into the designated output file, where it can be referenced from output HTML.

Adding HTML for People Demo

Added a new starter pack available when creating a New Collection — an HTML for People demo. This is a work in progress, and is not yet complete.

Next: 16.7 Version 15.7.0