16. Version History ↑
16.5 Version 15.9.0
Date: 11 Dec 2024 - Wednesday
Fixed a Table Formatting Problem
Fixed a problem with formatting Tables that contained consecutive pipes.
Initial Selection of README files
When a Project Folder is opened, and the top level contains a README file, then that file will receive the initial selection.
Added Escape Characters in Merge Templates
Characters used to form Merge Delimiters may now be escaped, by preceding each character with a backslash, so that they may escape processing on a first pass through the merge processor, in order to be processed on a second pass.
Fixed a Double Seq Problem
When a collection was configured to use Seq + Title as its ID, and when in Streamlined Reading mode, the Seq field would sometimes appear twice. This has been corrected.
Improved Default CSS
As one example, the default css for code displays has been improved to make it more readable.
Added a clearglobals command
Added a new clearglobals command merge command that can be used to clear the values of all Global Variables.
Added Markdown Figure Commands
Added a Start a Figure command, a Start a Figure Caption command, and an End a Figure command, to make it easier to generate HTML <figure>
and <figcaption>
Added Markdown p-class Command
Added a new p-class
Markdown command to Specify a Paragraph Class for the following paragraph.
Fixed a Few Bugs
A few relatively obscure bugs were eliminated.
Next: 16.6 Version 15.8.0