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16. Version History ↑

16.4 Version 16.0.0

Date: 20 Dec 2024 - Friday

Added Markdown Segment Command

A new Markdown command to Start a Segment, and another to End a Segment, have been added. A segment might be something like a div or an aside.

Better Handling of Sync Conflicts

When a file name for a Collection configuration file (an INFO file) contains the word “conflict”, it will now be recognized as a conflicted copy.

Better Handling of the Essential Collection

Improved handling of the Essential Collection, including a consistent ability to specify a project folder as the Essential Collection.

Added Command to Reset App Settings to their Defaults

Added a new command to Reset to Defaults.

CSS for Asides

Added default CSS to provide some styling for the HTML aside element.

Open in Nova Now Possible

A Notenik General Setting has been added to Gen Open in Nova Items, and when this is enabled, a project folder will have an item added titled “Open in Nova” and with a Link field containing a Nova URL to open the project folder within the Nova app.

Added Markdown Inject Command

Replaced the single-purpose p-class command introduced in Version 15.9.0 with the more general Inject Block Attributes command.

Added Support for Markdown Highlighting

The Markdown extension to Highlight a span of text is now supported.

Next: 16.5 Version 15.9.0