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16. Version History ↑

16.3 Version 16.1.0

Date: 05 Jan 2025 - Sunday

Added Open in Finder item

The project folder will now have an “Open in Finder” item generated, which will contain a link requesting the macOS Finder to open the Project Folder.

Changed Title for a BBEdit project file.

When a project folder has a BBEdit project file at its top level, it will now show with a title of “Open in BBEdit”.

Added Ability to Paste CSV -> Table

A Markdown Table may now be generated from a comma-separated values file.

Added notefilename as new Merge Template Variable

Added a new System Variable of notefilename that can be used in a Merge Template to pull in the exact filename of the input Note.

Added a section-headings command

Added a section-headings Markdown command to Generate Sections for Headings.

Provisioned an Optional add-ins folder

A folder named add-ins may now be placed within a collection folder. The add-ins folder can contain additional CSS and/or javascript files to be loaded. The CSS files must end with file extension .css, and the javascript files must end with the file extension .js.

Added a copyaddins Merge Template Command

Added a copyaddins command to copy files from the new add-ins folder to a comparable output folder.

Fixed Problem Allowing Duplicate Project Folders

Notenik had been mistakenly allowing a project folder to be opened in a new window, while leaving another window for the same folder still open. This has been corrected, so that the old window will be closed before opening the new one.

Next: 16.4 Version 16.0.0