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16. Version History ↑

16.133 Version 4.9.0

Released on 30 Nov 2020

Added new File Command to create a New Collection in iCloud

The user will not need to pick a parent folder when using this option. The new Collection will be located in Notenik’s special iCloud container.

Added New Command to Stash Notes in Subfolder

This command can be found beneath the Transform menu. This command makes an existing Collection compliant with the new structure for a Web Collection by creating a subfolder named ‘notes’ and them moving the existing Notes into that subfolder.

Added New Command to Move a Collection

The Move command can be found beneath the File menu. This command will copy an existing Collection to a new location, and then delete the original Collection.

Added Menu Option to Browse a Web Index

This can be found beneath the Transform menu.

Added Support for Web Collections

A Web Collection contains a website at the top level, and contains its notes within a subfolder named ‘notes’.

Next: 16.134 Version 4.8.0