11. Field Labels and Types ↑
11.10 Fields Useful for Reviews, Citations and Quotations
You can specify an Author or an Artist field when using a Collection as some sort of catalog of works by others. For example, I have one Collection that I use to keep track of my favorite Quotations, and the Author field indicates the author of each quotation. I have another Collection where I maintain my thoughts about a series of albums, and use the Artist field to indicate the individual or group responsible for each album.
In either case, you can use Sort Option # 7 (under the Sort menu) to sort a Collection by Author or Artist.
When sorting by Author, the sort will be by first name first; if a Collection contains an Artist field, but no Author field, then the sort will be by Artist, and the word ‘the’ will be ignored when found as the first work in the Artist’s name. (In other words, ‘The Beatles’ will be sorted under ‘B’, not under ‘T’.)
Following is the complete list of fields you may find useful when using Notenik to record quotes from, or commentary about, or citations of, authors and artists.
See also the Merge Templates Derived Variables, which can be used to aid in nicely formatting and combining some of these fields.
- 11.10.1 Artist
- 11.10.2 Attribution
- 11.10.3 Author
- 11.10.4 Rating
- 11.10.5 Work Title
- 11.10.6 Work Type
- 11.10.7 Work Link
- 11.10.8 Work RIghts
- 11.10.9 Work Rights Holder
Next: Artist
Skip to: 11.11 Fields Used to Identify Various Kinds of Notes