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11.6 Fields for Sequencing and Outlining ↑

11.6.3 Include Children

The phrase Include Children can be used as both a label and a type.

This field type is only meaningful when you have turned on streamlined reading.

When this field is set to a non-blank value for a parent Note, then that Note’s children (following notes with a higher/deeper level) will be displayed on the parent Note’s page, instead of appearing in the reading sequence as separate pages. The Next field at the bottom of the display will then point to the next Note following the children.

The value selected for the parent’s Include Children field will determine how the children are displayed.

Note that, if a Note is included within the Body of a Note, via the Markdown extension to Include a Note or File, then that same Note will not be displayed at the bottom of the the parent Note’s page as part of the Include Children display.

Next: Display Seq