Notenik 13.4.0 - Outlines, Contact Info, Calendars and Presentations
In this post I’ll try to summarize the most significant changes made over the last six months or so, since the release of 12.0.0.
17 Nov, 2023 read more…
Notenik 12.0.0 - EPUBs and Such
Lots of improvements, but EPUB generation is probably the biggest new feature. And did you know that e-books in the EPUB format can be pretty handy for private use, even if you have no aspirations to become a published author?
11 May, 2023 read more…
Calendars and Such
The 11.4.0 release of Notenik is out, and includes a new Calendar function… which was the first domino to fall.
30 Jan, 2023 read more…
Notenik at Fifty
Notenik has just hit fifty – fifty ratings in the Mac App Store, that is! – so I thought this might be an opportune time to reflect a bit on how the app has evolved over the last several years.
16 Jan, 2023 read more…
Notenik 11.0.0 - Driven by Discourse
Several of the app’s recent changes have started out as requests or comments in the Notenik Discourse forum.
9 Dec, 2022 read more…
Notenik 10.7.0 - The Beat Goes On
Here’s a useful summary of recent changes, including Notenik versions 10.4.0 through 10.7.0.
4 Nov, 2022 read more…
Notenik 10.3.0 - More Bells, More Whistles
Parent Realms gain new powers; improved file handling; improvements to Merge Template commands, variables and modifiers; plus a handful of fixes and tweaks.
10 Sep, 2022 read more…
Notenik Turns 10.0.0!
Well, the version-ometer has clicked over once again – as it tends to do every week or so with Notenik – and look where we’ve landed: on the big 10.0.0! All those zeros seem to call for some sort of reflection on how we got here, so let’s consider a few highlights.
29 Jul, 2022 read more…
Notenik 9.6.0 - Choose Your Edit Fonts
You can now choose your own font(s) used on the Edit tab, and can also set default values for any of the fields in your Collection.
23 Jun, 2022 read more…
Notenik 9.5.0 Plus a Discourse Community
The big announcement this time is about the launch of a new Notenik community at But there’s also info on an important bug fix and a few nice enhancements.
15 Jun, 2022 read more…
Notenik 9.3.0 - Cool New Functions
Expanded Note Selector to allow selection from other Collections; added an import option for a folder full of text files; modified the defaults for a new Level field to avoid values of zero; added a command to populate an app catalog; improved editing of the Status field.
10 May, 2022 read more…
Notenik 9.2.0 - Easy Commonplace Book with Lookup Fields
Added a new model Collection – a Commonplace Book using Lookup fields – that can be used to initialize a new Collection; added automatic generation of initial backlinks when adding a Backlinks field; straightened out some issues that could affect capture of metadata when importing/pasting a new Note into a Collection; fixed some problems associated with moving/copying a Collection, including initial population of a new Collection.
20 Apr, 2022 read more…
Notenik 9.1.0 - Filling Some Holes
Added import option for a single text file (or simply drag and drop from the Finder); modified Discard of Edits to use a less common keyboard shortcut (Shift-CMD-D) and to provide a confirmation alert before proceeding; added a new Markdown command to produce a simple Tags Cloud; and added an option to remove all previously assigned tags based on level.
15 Apr, 2022 read more…
Notenik 9.0.1 - Hooked on Notenik
The last couple of releases focused on better integration with other apps, including new Custom URL commands, new custom AppleScript commands, and the ability to integrate with the Hook app via their official scripts.
31 Mar, 2022 read more…
Notenik 8.8.0 - Improvements to Note Editing
Added a Note Selector window that allows a user, while remaining on Display or Edit of one Note, to look up the title of a second Note, for possible insertion into the text of the first Note; also expanded the width of the Body text editing field, and made inclusion of a ‘Body:’ field label optional, on the Edit tab as well as the Display tab.
18 Mar, 2022 read more…
Notenik 8.7.0 - A Chocolate and Vanilla Swirl
Mix a dark appearance in Notenik with a light System appearance; use Notenik as a project launcher, leveraging the versatility of Notenik’s Link field; and further refine the appearance of a Web Book. It’s all here in the latest release.
10 Mar, 2022 read more…
Notenik 8.6.0 - Checklists and Improved Title-as-Heading Options
Markdown Checklists are now available, as are more flexible options for formatting Note Titles, along with improved default CSS styling for headings, plus a new toggle for auto-creation of missing wiki link targets.
28 Feb, 2022 read more…
Notenik 8.5.0 - Support for YAML Metadata and Local Images
YAML metadata is now a thing, and Notenik now supports it, in addition to its own special format. And then there’s the problem of how to load local images into a Note, which now has a solution, allowing them to show up in the Display tab for the Note within Notenik.
20 Feb, 2022 read more…
Notenik 8.3.0 - A Few Hot Tips for Users Old and New
Our first Notenik video, a new collection of brief Notenik Tips, the ability to jump to a random note in a collection, recall of Collection window sizes and positions, and a few more MathJax fixes – it’s all part of the lastest Notenik release!
11 Feb, 2022 read more…
Notenik 8.2.0 - Setting the Table for New Users
Added Markdown support for the creation of tables, using pipes and dashes; added a new command beneath the File menu to Open the current Collection’s Folder in the macOS FInder; improved editing of Index fields; added new command to Clean a Link, removing common tracking parameters; improved the readability of the Keyboard Shortcuts Reference page in the Knowledge Base; added a new Markdown Cheat Sheet.
28 Jan, 2022 read more…
Notenik 8.0.0 - Including Several Neat Enhancements
Added new Include command within the Notenik Markdown parser, to include a file, or another Note; expanded the Author Name Variable Modifierer to allow first name first to be extracted; added a new command and keyboard shortcut to quickly toggle the Streamlined Reading mode; added a new command to format a special Notenik URL to open the current Collection at a later date; added a new Merge Template Variable Modifier to perform a very rudimentary conversion of HTML to Markdown.
18 Jan, 2022 read more…
Notenik 7.9.0 - Taking Outlining to a New Level
This release includes a powerful new function for renumbering the Seq values for a range of Notes, indent and outdent commands, and some improvements to Web Book publishing. With these new options, outlining in Notenik is more powerful than ever.
4 Jan, 2022 read more…
Notenik 7.8.0 - Improvements to Streamlined Reading and Web Books
This release includes a new Notenik Intro, the addition of a new, optional header line when publishing a Web Book, a new Include Children
field useful when using outlining with streamlined reading, and a new Sort option to view things in pure Date order (irrespective of Status).
13 Dec, 2021 read more…
Notenik 7.7.0 - Class Templates are Introduced
This release introduces Class templates. Each different Class value within a Collection can have its own template, and that template can limit the fields included on the Edit tab for Notes of that Class, and can also supply default values for any fields that are included. This is one of those features that can be used in lots of different ways, for many different purposes, so it’s worth sitting down and having a good think about how you might be able to put this feature to use for your Notes.
30 Nov, 2021 read more…
Notenik 7.6.0 - A Little Something for Everyone
Notenik 7.6.0 should contain a little something for everyone, including some additional sort options, an improvement to the Quick Action window, more reasonable handling of data from deleted fields, the ability to include images in a Web Book, as well as the ability to specify your own available values for the new Class field.
9 Nov, 2021 read more…
Notenik 7.5.0 - A Few Small Improvements
Notenik 7.5.0 makes a few small improvements, including reorganizing some of the app’s menus, as well as rearranging things on the Collection Prefs screen. The Advanced Search option is the new feature that might be most widely appreciated.
28 Oct, 2021 read more…
Notenik 7.4.0 - Wiki Link Enhancements
Notenik 7.4.0 addresses some common issues that often arise when making use of Wiki Style Links. Welcome to backlinks, automatic target note creation, and AKA entries for your Notes!
14 Oct, 2021 read more…
Notenik 7.3.0 - A Handful of Helpful Refinements
Version 7.3.0 of Notenik includes a handful of nifty changes: Improved Seq and Level Defaults for Drag and Drop; Improved Recognition of Parent Realm Folders; Parent Realm Folders Now Appear on Open Recent Menu; Streamlined New Collection process; Saving Security-Scoped Bookmarks; and Undo Provided for Note Deletions.
30 Sep, 2021 read more…
Notenik 7.2.0 - Some Nifty Enhancements
Version 7.2.0 of Notenik includes a handful of nifty changes: the website address has been updated to point to; wiki links now will try to pluralize a reference, if it is not found in singular form; the Merge template Set command now allows a variable to be used as part or all of a global variable name; Markdown quote sharing corrected to respect lookup links; added a Quick Export and Open command.
20 Sep, 2021 read more…
Version 7.1.0 - Taking Dark Mode All the Way
Notenik has mostly supported Dark Mode from the beginning – everywhere except on the Display tab, where the default was still to show black text on a white background. Now the Display Tab will follow your light/dark preferences, along with the rest of the App.
31 Aug, 2021 read more…
Notenik 7.0.0 - The Introduction of Lookup Fields
A field in one Collection can now reference information in other Collections.
27 Aug, 2021 read more…
Notenik 6.9.0 - Enhanced OPML Import and Export
Added several new options to better support outlining: OPML Export, ability to add a new Child to an existing Note, plus ability to drag and drop within a sequenced list; fixed list scrolling so that the Note highlighted and visible on the left will generally match the Note currently selected on the right.
12 Aug, 2021 read more…
Notenik 6.8.0 - Short IDs and Concatenated Exports
Added Short ID to the list of available field labels and types, to help with URL shortening; added new option to export an entire Collection into a single HTML or Markdown document; fixed a bug affecting automatic links in footnotes.
2 Aug, 2021 read more…
Notenik 6.7.0 - 6.7.4 - MathJax!
Added support for Mathjax; enhanced Table of Contents generation for a single Note; enhanced Table of Contents generation for an entire Collection.
19 Jul, 2021 read more…
Notenik 6.6.0 - Generate a Web Book
Added a new Markdown extension to generate a Table of Contents for an entire Collection; added another new Markdown extension to generate an Index for an entire Collection; added another new Markdown extensions to generate a Tags Outline; added a new command to Generate a Web Book from a Collection; updated the Notenik Knowledge Base to make use of all of these new features.
14 Jul, 2021 read more…
Notenik 6.5.0 - Added What's New Menu Option
Added an option to backup an entire Collection to a compressed Zip file; made improvements to Streamlined Reading, to focus only on Seq, Title and Body fields; expanded the custom URL help command to allow an ID to be included, to point to a specific Note to be initially displayed; added a What’s New command beneath the Help menu to show the user the latest changes to the app.
7 Jul, 2021 read more…
Notenik 6.4.0 - Introducing the Notenik Knowledge Base
Markdown parser support for definition lists; new Collection pref for Streamlined Reading, increasing focus on Body content on the Display tab; new Display navigation elements added when using Streamlined Reading, especially useful when using Seq and Level fields and sorting by Seq; new Notenik Knowledge Base, available from the Help menu (replacing all prior Help documentation).
2 Jul, 2021 read more…
Notenik 6.3.0 - Leveraging the New Level Field
Updated the Work List field type to allow entries for ‘Novel’ and ‘Podcast’ (and to make it easier to enter using all lowercase letters); added a new field type of Level, to indicate the depth of a Note within the structure of a Collection; added a new command to renumber the Seq field based on sequence and Level; added a new command to generate tags that will mirror the outline structure implied by the combination of Seq and Level fields.
10 Jun, 2021 read more…
Notenik 6.2.0 - I Love It When a Plan Comes Together
My preferred style of development is to release new versions frequently, and to make relatively small incremental changes with each release. “Slow but Steady” might be my mantra. This latest release finally implements a custom URL scheme for Notenik. (I first received an email asking for something like this in January of 2020!)
27 May, 2021 read more…
Notenik 6.1.0 - Scripting Improvements
Script execution now runs asynchronously, so as not to block the main UI (no more spinning beach balls!); an animated indeterminate progress bar was added to the scripter window to let the user know that the script is still running; a browse command was also added to the scripting engine, so that the user can optionally open a local URL at the end of a script, both to let the user know the script is done, and also to allow the user to review the results (assuming the user was creating or updating a website or some collection of web pages).
23 May, 2021 read more…
Notenik 6.0.0 - Collection Shortcuts and the Quick Action Window
Check out the new Quick Action window (found beneath the Files menu), after enabling it by assigning shortcuts to some of your Collections in their Collection Preferences.
14 May, 2021 read more…